
Nice job! But :( I am signing up for an email. (From Dihanna ... I know, I wish I could come up with a better way to let people know when a new issue is out ... a Facebook page?)

These are great!! I enjoy reading them

Thank You!

Love your format.

Love this look of a newsletter of tech! I created a Google classroom for my teachers and they receive notifications when I post something new, but I like this method of a quick look then link it to materials within our Google Classroom! Thank you for sharing!

We have a friend in common: Roche! Love your PD pages.

This is a FABULOUS idea, thank you for sharing!!

Thank you for sharing!

I just saw your issue #8 and it was awesome! So many ideas. Thank you!

Love the content, keep it coming!

Thanks Dihanna for your leadership and sharing learning across the world!

This looks great! Thanks for adding me to your list.


Thank you!

These are great!

Thank you!

Potty PD is awesome. So much better than #notanotherremindertocourtesyflush.

Thank you!

You rock!

Thanks for sharing looking forward to reviewing your work.

You should team up with people from other countries to translate your awesome work! (From Dihanna ~ I LOVE this idea!! #FuturePlans)

Thanks so much for sharing!

I think this is wonderful! I'm a tech coach and love some of the resources you've compiled. Great idea!

Thank you for making these...I am sharing with my colleagues.

Great Resource! I am a Physical Education teacher in the Opelika City School system and Google Level 1 & 2 Certified. I infuse all of my classes with technology and believe that the physical education environment is a great space to utilize the amazing tools that are used within the general classroom. Your emails are very informative and have provided different avenues of utilizing such tools within my classes. Thank You!

Thank you!

Great stuff!

This looks like such a great resource to share with teachers!!

Thank you in advance!~

Thanks for sharing! This is awesome!!

Thanks for this awesome resource. Would you consider making it accessible for e-readers? (From Dihanna ... OOOH!! Awesome idea! I will check into it!)

Thank you for this great idea!

This looks like such a great resource to share with teachers!!

Rubric grading in docs

I love your newsletter...thank you!

Excited to learn some new skills!

Love your work. New to Chromebook.

Lots of google tips and shortcuts!

Thank you for what look like brilliant tricks


Curious to check it out, saw it on Facebook

Would love more information on sheets

Love this format!

Nearpod, online learning for kids

Canโ€™t wait!

Excited to see what you come up with!!! Miss you! :)

Thank you for sharing such great tips!


Would love to learn more about tips for teachers. I am the Technology Liaison for G Suites at the High School I teach at. This is my 1st year as the TL so I'm always excited to learn new things.

I enjoy seeing these. You inspired me to do something similar. Iโ€™ve sent one out for three weeks now, and Itโ€™s been well received.

I like you avatar. How did you make it? It looks much more detailed than a regular bitmoji. Thanks for sharing!

I absolutely appreciate these. I love sharing them with my staff and they love them too! Thank you soooooo much for sharing! I constantly struggle with what to offer my staff for PD. Making PD that fits everyone's needs is almost impossible. I also feel teachers are so overburdened with having to keep up with so many other things that having to learning another thing just adds to their plate!

Thank you again!

I love the title of your PD and how you are getting it out there! I need a new avenue to try to reach teachers with tips and tricks so I think I will try something like this!

Thank you so much! These are wonderful!!


These are awesome!!!

Will pass along to my teachers :)

I'm a beginner so I am looking to learn how to use and be better with all things Google/Classroom/Suite. I would also like to earn my certification!

Thank you! I'd love something on Google Form extensions.

Great idea! Thanks for doing this.

Love your "Cheat Sheets"!

Very nice ... I so agree with you about emailโ€™s teachers do not read your email Iโ€™ve actually gotten complaints

A lovely way to light the fire with tech integration! Thank you for sharing.

I am interested to see if these can help me in my classes

Love your stuff! Keep it coming!

Thank you for sharing!

Great idea! Thank you!


thank you! love these ideas!

Fantastic, we were just trying to figure out adding audio to slides. Now we need to know how to format videos we have recorded into slides .

Am I able to share these with other teachers giving you the credit of course?

From Dihanna - YOU BET!! Share, share, share!

Thank you for these!

This is great! Thank you so much!

Thank you SOOOO much for sharing such rockin info!

Yay! I love giving my staff Learning in the Loop and they love it too.

Hadn't heard about Thanks!

These are concise & amazing!!

Thank you for this. I have loved these.

Thanks! This is just what I need for the teachers at my school!

Thank you! What about the new insert-audio in Slides? How exciting!

Chrome book help needed

Cool idea...looking forward to more over time!

Love these quick tips. Did something similar for my staff in a quick newsletter form. Love the graphics. Thank You!